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Sublime Text

Sublime Text 3200 (32-bit)

  -  9.83 MB  -  Demo
  • Latest Version

    Sublime Text 4192

  • Operating System

    Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10

  • User Rating

    Click to vote
  • Author / Product

    Jon Skinner / External Link

  • Filename

    Sublime Text Build 3200 Setup.exe

  • MD5 Checksum


Sometimes latest versions of the software can cause issues when installed on older devices or devices running an older version of the operating system.

Software makers usually fix these issues but it can take them some time. What you can do in the meantime is to download and install an older version of Sublime Text 3200 (32-bit).

For those interested in downloading the most recent release of Sublime Text or reading our review, simply click here.

All old versions distributed on our website are completely virus-free and available for download at no cost.

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  • Sublime Text 3200 (32-bit) Screenshots

    The images below have been resized. Click on them to view the screenshots in full size.

    Sublime Text 3200 (32-bit) Screenshot 1
  • Sublime Text 3200 (32-bit) Screenshot 2
  • Sublime Text 3200 (32-bit) Screenshot 3
  • Sublime Text 3200 (32-bit) Screenshot 4

What's new in this version:

New git integration:
- Files and folders in the sidebar will now display badges to indicate Git status
- Ignored files and folders are visually de-emphasized
- The current Git branch and number of modifications is displayed in the status bar
- Commands have been added to open a repository, see file or folder history, or blame a file in Sublime Merge
- Themes may customize the display of sidebar badges and status bar information
- The setting show_git_status allows disabling Git integration
- All file reads are done through a custom, high-performance Git library written for Sublime Merge

New incremental diff:
- All changes to a document are now represented by dedicated markers in the gutter
- Diff markers show added, modified and deleted lines
- The setting mini_diff controls incremental diff behavior
- In coordination with the new Git functionality, diffs can be calculated against HEAD or the index
- The git_diff_target setting controls base document source
- API methods View.set_reference_document() and View.reset_reference_document() allow controlling the diff
- Full inline diffs of each change can be displayed via the right-click context menu, or keyboard shortcuts
- Inline diff presentation can be changed by customizing a color scheme
- The following diff-related commands were added:
- Next Modification
- Previous Modification
- Revert Modification

Editor control:
- Added block_caret setting
- Improve positioning and sizing of gutter icons in some situations
- Fixed draw_minimap_border setting not working
- Linux: Improved input method (IM) support - fcitx, ibus, etc
- Linux: Fixed a crash when using GTK_IM_MODULE=xim
- Linux: Tweaked behavior of up/down when on the first and last lines of a file to better match platform conventions
- Windows: Improved IME support

- Improved performance with large numbers of rules in a .sublime-theme
- Linux: Moved to GTK3
- Linux: Various high DPI fixes
- Mac: Added Mojave support
- Mac: Add full support for macOS native tabs
- Mac: Ensure context menus are shown without scrolling
- Mac: Error message dialogs can now be closed with the escape key
- Mac: Improved window placement
- Mac: Improved resize performance
- Windows: Fixed minimized and maximized state not restoring
- Windows: Fixed a bug where auto complete entries would contain an ellipsis when not required
- Enhanced the .sublime-theme format:
- Added variables support and associated revised JSON format with variables key
- Added extends keyword to have one theme derive from another
- Colors may be specified via CSS syntax

Text rendering:
- Support for Unicode 11.0
- Improved rendering of combining characters
- Fixed a caret positioning bug when non-trivial graphemes are present
- Fixed some cases of incorrect glyph positions on Windows and Mac
- Linux: Color glyphs are now drawn properly on light backgrounds
- Windows: Fixed a rendering issue with certain combining characters
- Windows: Fixed some fonts having an incorrect baseline

Color schemes:
-Added block_caret key to use in conjunction with block carets
-caret values now respect alpha as expected, rather than pre-blending against the background color
Added the foreground_adjust property to rules with a background. Accepts CSS color mod adjusters to manipulate the saturation, lightness or opacity of the foreground color.
-Fixed a crash that could occur when nesting embed patterns in .sublime-syntax files
-Syntax Tests: Allow syntax test files to have a UTF-8 BOM

Syntax highlighting:
- Fixed a crash that could occur when nesting embed patterns in .sublime-syntax files
- Syntax Tests: Allow syntax test files to have a UTF-8 BOM
- Many syntax highlighting improvements, including significant improvements to:
- Clojure, with thanks to Nelo Mitranim
- Go, with thanks to Nelo Mitranim
- Lua, with thanks to Thomas Smith

Files and folders:
- Improve performance of file watching for ignored paths on Windows and Mac
- Windows: Fixed Open File treating paths as case-sensitive
- Windows: Properly unlock directories after contained files are closed

- Added View.set_reference_document() and View.reset_reference_document() to control diff generation
- Phantoms are now drawn correctly in conjunction with draw_centered
- Various minor improvements related to plugin module loading and unloading
- Added support for hwb() colors to minihtml
- Added a custom min-contrast() adjuster for the CSS color mod function in minihtml
- Mac: Fixed a plugin_host crash when running a process that itself crashes

- Fixed a Goto Symbol in Project performance regression
- F21..F24 keys can now be bound
- Assorted minor fixes and stability improvements
- Linux: Improved behavior of --wait command line argument when Sublime Text isn't currently running