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Xplorer2 Ultimate

Xplorer2 Ultimate (32-bit)

  -  3.45 MB  -  Trial

Sometimes latest versions of the software can cause issues when installed on older devices or devices running an older version of the operating system.

Software makers usually fix these issues but it can take them some time. What you can do in the meantime is to download and install an older version of Xplorer2 Ultimate (32-bit).

For those interested in downloading the most recent release of Xplorer2 Ultimate or reading our review, simply click here.

All old versions distributed on our website are completely virus-free and available for download at no cost.

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  • Xplorer2 Ultimate (32-bit) Screenshots

    The images below have been resized. Click on them to view the screenshots in full size.

    Xplorer2 Ultimate (32-bit) Screenshot 1

What's new in this version:

- CLICKDEF macro instruction supports listview header controls, so you can change the sort order (this is most useful for columns not listed under ARRANGE BY menu)
- Advanced registry option MGAO3_PHONEROCOPY(=1024) allows robust copy INTO mobile phones. However this mode has an issue, resetting copied file modification dates to the present.
- If you want to start always with the default layout, regardless which window you were running last, use /S:DEFAULT command line switch