Small and safe tool to remove software from your Windows PC

Wise Program Uninstaller

Wise Program Uninstaller 3.0.4

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About Wise Program Uninstaller

Wise Program Uninstaller is a free alternative to Windows Program Uninstaller and other paid software remover. With its "safe uninstall" and "Repair Programs", you can remove or repair programs as Windows does. Also, this freebie helps you uninstall your unwanted programs or forcibly uninstall the program you can't uninstall by Windows or other programs. Moreover, it also can remove the residual entries which may drive you mad. The much-anticipated Wise Program Uninstaller has many attractive advantages such as easy to use, simple but elegant GUI, etc.Features and HighlightsEnsures Clean and Thorough Software UninstallingWise Program Uninstaller is the perfect solution for uninstalling Windows software, allowing you to uninstall programs qu... Read More »

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