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WebCatalog 55.3.0 LATEST
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WebCatalog Setup 55.3.0.exe
With compatibility that reaches several thousand apps, It can help users of all knowledge levels to better organize their daily workflow, access apps through “Spaces” catalogs, easily switch between multiple accounts and work more productively.
Traditionally, PC users are used to handle a large variety of apps, chat services, entrainment apps, and web workspaces, which can be accessed through standalone apps, web pages, and browser plugins.
Now all of them can be imported and accessed through WebCatalog for PC, a streamlined, fast, and easy-to-use desktop app with highly customizable “Spaces” catalogs or playlists.
Desktop Apps
Desktop apps let you launch your favorite web services quickly in self-contained, distraction-free windows with enhanced features. Also known as site-specific browsers (SSB), let you launch your favorite web services quickly in self-contained, distraction-free windows.
Spaces let you group apps into tidy collections and access them conveniently with all the benefits of desktop apps included.
Set everything up quickly with thousands of apps in our curated app library or simply create custom apps from any websites!
The app can manage integration with almost every popular app, including those created by Google, Facebook, Microsoft, a vast variety of chat apps (Discord, Skype, WhatsApp, Messenger, Telegram…), online storage, and productivity services (Google Docs, Google Drive, Dropbox, One Drive, Office…), Entertainment (YouTube, Twitch, Netflix…), and gaming.
The user interface of WebCatalog promotes easy discovery of its tools, but the most important feature is the ability to create customized app playlists called Spaces.
This feature can dramatically impact the way users are accessing their favorite apps, with the option to create separate spaces for similar kinds of apps for home, school, work, etc.
Users can even create custom apps from any available web page, add multiple app entries that are all connected to a different user account, and even protect access to sensitive apps with a password or Touch ID prompt.
Basic Plan - Free
- Up to 5 apps & games
- Up to 2 spaces
- Up to 2 subspaces (accounts) per app
- Up to 2 subspaces (accounts) per space
- Cross-platform support
- Custom apps
- Menu bar (tray) integration
Everything in Basic, and:
- Unlimited apps & games
- Unlimited spaces
- Unlimited subspaces
- Cloud backup & sync
- App lock
- Priority support
The Premium version of WebCatalog removes all limitations and unlocks advanced features such as locking apps or removing trackers and ads.
- Organizes apps efficiently.
- Customizable Spaces.
- Integrates with popular apps.
- User-friendly interface.
- Free basic plan available.
- Also available on macOS and Linux.
- Premium version required for full features.
- Limited functionality in free version.
- May not support all apps.
OperaOpera 117.0 Build 5408.93 (64-bit)
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