Quickly download torrent files with this software for Windows


Transmission 3.00 (64-bit)

  -  15.55 MB  -  Open Source

Sometimes latest versions of the software can cause issues when installed on older devices or devices running an older version of the operating system.

Software makers usually fix these issues but it can take them some time. What you can do in the meantime is to download and install an older version of Transmission 3.00 (64-bit).

For those interested in downloading the most recent release of Transmission or reading our review, simply click here.

All old versions distributed on our website are completely virus-free and available for download at no cost.

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  • Transmission 3.00 (64-bit) Screenshots

    The images below have been resized. Click on them to view the screenshots in full size.

    Transmission 3.00 (64-bit) Screenshot 1
  • Transmission 3.00 (64-bit) Screenshot 2
  • Transmission 3.00 (64-bit) Screenshot 3
  • Transmission 3.00 (64-bit) Screenshot 4
  • Transmission 3.00 (64-bit) Screenshot 5

What's new in this version:

- Allow the RPC server to listen on an IPv6 address
- Change TR_CURL_SSL_VERIFY to TR_CURL_SSL_NO_VERIFY and enable verification by default
- Go back to using hash as base name for resume and torrent files (those stored in configuration directory)
- Handle "fields" argument in "session-get" RPC request; if "fields" array is present in arguments, only return session fields specified; otherwise return all the fields as before
- Limit the number of incorrect authentication attempts in embedded web server to 100 to prevent brute-force attacks
- Set idle seed limit range to 1..40320 (4 weeks tops) in all clients
- Add Peer ID for Xfplay, PicoTorrent, Free Download Manager, Folx, Baidu Netdisk torrent clients
- Announce INT64_MAX as size left if the value is unknown (helps with e.g. Amazon S3 trackers)
- Add TCP_FASTOPEN support (should result in slight speedup)
- Improve ToS handling on IPv6 connections
- Abort handshake if establishing DH shared secret fails (leads to crash)
- Don't switch trackers while announcing (leads to crash)
- Improve completion scripts execution and error handling; add support for .cmd and .bat files on Windows
- Maintain a "session ID" file (in temporary directory) to better detect whether session is local or remote; return the ID as part of "session-get" response
- Change torrent location even if no data move is needed
- Support CIDR-notated blocklists
- Update the resume file before running script
- Make multiscrape limits adaptive
- Add labels support to libtransmission and transmission-remote
- Parse session-id header case-insensitively (#765)
- Sanitize suspicious path components instead of rejecting them
- Load CA certs from system store on Windows / OpenSSL
- Add support for mbedtls (formely polarssl) and wolfssl (formely cyassl), LibreSSL
- Fix building against OpenSSL 1.1.0+
- Fix quota support for uClibc-ng 1.0.18+ and DragonFly BSD
- Fix a number of memory leaks (magnet loading, session shutdown, bencoded data parsing)
- Bump miniupnpc version to 2.0.20170509
- CMake-related improvements (Ninja generator, libappindicator, systemd, Solaris and macOS)
- Switch to submodules to manage (most of) third-party dependencies
- Fail installation on Windows if UCRT is not installed

Web Client:
- Fix tracker error XSS in inspector (CVE-?)
- Fix performance issues due to improper use of setInterval() for UI refresh (TRAC-6031)
- Fix recognition of https:// links in comments field
- Fix torrent list style in Google Chrome 59+
- Show ETA in compact view on non-mobile devices
- Show upload file button on mobile devices
- Add keyboard hotkeys for web interface
- Disable autocompletion in torrent URL field

- Prevent crash in transmission-show displaying torrents with invalid creation date
- Handle IPv6 RPC addresses in transmission-remote
- Add --unsorted option to transmission-show
- Widen the torrent-id column in transmission-remote for cleaner formatting

Code Signing Policy:
- Windows MSI packages: free code signing provided by SignPath.io, certificate by SignPath Foundation