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Symfony 7.1.11

  -  13.4 MB  -  Open Source
  • Latest Version

    Symfony 7.2.4

  • Operating System

    Windows 7 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 / Windows 10 64

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Sometimes latest versions of the software can cause issues when installed on older devices or devices running an older version of the operating system.

Software makers usually fix these issues but it can take them some time. What you can do in the meantime is to download and install an older version of Symfony 7.1.11.

For those interested in downloading the most recent release of Symfony or reading our review, simply click here.

All old versions distributed on our website are completely virus-free and available for download at no cost.

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  • Symfony 7.1.11 Screenshots

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    Symfony 7.1.11 Screenshot 1

What's new in this version:

- [Serializer] Handle default context in Serializer
- [HttpClient] Fix processing a NativeResponse after its client has been reset
- [Security] Throw an explicit error when refreshing a token with a null user
- [FrameworkBundle] Add missing not-compromised-password entry in XSD
- [Mailer] Ensure TransportExceptionInterface populates stream debug data
- [Mime] Fix body validity check in Email when using Message::setBody()
- feature #59544 [AssetMapper] Fix CssCompiler matches url in comments
- [DoctrineBridge] Add support for doctrine/persistence 4
- [DomCrawler] Make ChoiceFormField::isDisabled return true for unchecked disabled checkboxes
- [Cache] Don't clear system caches on cache:clear
- [FrameworkBundle] Fix patching refs to the tmp warmup dir in files generated by optional cache warmers
- [PropertyInfo] convert legacy types to TypeInfo types if getType() is not implemented
- [HtmlSanitizer] Fix access to undefined keys in UrlSanitizer
- [VarDumper] fix dumped markup
- [Messenger] [AMQP] Improve AMQP connection issues
- [Serializer] [ObjectNormalizer] Filter int when using FILTER_BOOL
- [FrameworkBundle] Fix wiring ConsoleProfilerListener
- [DependencyInjection] Reset env vars with kernel.reset
- [Validator] Update sr_Cyrl 120:This value is not a valid slug.
- [FrameworkBundle][HttpFoundation] Reset Request's formats using the service resetter
- [Mailer] Fix SMTP stream EOF handling on Windows by using feof()
- [VarDumper] Fix blank strings display
- [Routing] Fix configuring a single route's hosts
- [HttpClient] Ignore RuntimeExceptions thrown when rewinding the PSR-7 created in HttplugWaitLoop::createPsr7Response
- [HttpClient] Fix Undefined array key connection
- [HttpFoundation] Fixed IpUtils::anonymize exception when using IPv6 link-local addresses with RFC4007 scoping
- [Mailer] Fix Sendmail memory leak
- [RemoteEvent][Webhook] fix SendgridPayloadConverter category support
- [PropertyInfo] Make sure that SerializerExtractor returns null for invalid class metadata
- [RemoteEvent][Webhook] Fix SendgridRequestParser and SendgridPayloadConverter
- [Yaml] fix inline notation with inline comment
- [Messenger] Fix TransportMessageIdStamp not always added
- [DoctrineBridge] Fix compatibility to Doctrine persistence 2.5 in Doctrine Bridge 6.4 to avoid Projects stuck on 6.3
- [PropertyInfo] Fix add missing composer conflict
- [WebProfilerBundle] Fix event delegation on links inside toggles
- [Doctrine][Messenger] Prevents multiple TransportMessageIdStamp being stored in envelope
- [Serializer] Fix exception thrown by YamlEncoder
- [AssetMapper] Fix JavaScript compiler creates self-referencing imports
- [Yaml] reject inline notations followed by invalid content
- [VarDumper] Fix displaying closure's "this" from anonymous classes
- [ErrorHandler] Don't trigger "internal" deprecations for anonymous LazyClosure instances
- [PropertyAccess] Fix compatibility with PHP 8.4 asymmetric visibility
- [HttpKernel] Don't override existing LoggerInterface autowiring alias in LoggerPass
- [Security] Fix triggering session tracking from ContextListener
- [HttpClient] Fix reset() not called on decorated clients
- [SecurityBundle] Remove outdated guard from security xsd schema
- [Security] Adjust parameter order in exception message
- [Yaml] Fix parsing of unquoted strings in Parser::lexUnquotedString() to ignore spaces
- [ErrorHandler] [A11y] Simple proposal for color updates on error stack traces against colorblindness
- [EOL] End of life release for branch