A set of PHP Components and Web Application framework for PC


Symfony 6.1.1

  -  7.9 MB  -  Open Source
  • Latest Version

    Symfony 7.2.4

  • Operating System

    Windows 7 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 / Windows 10 64

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    Symfony SAS / External Link

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Sometimes latest versions of the software can cause issues when installed on older devices or devices running an older version of the operating system.

Software makers usually fix these issues but it can take them some time. What you can do in the meantime is to download and install an older version of Symfony 6.1.1.

For those interested in downloading the most recent release of Symfony or reading our review, simply click here.

All old versions distributed on our website are completely virus-free and available for download at no cost.

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  • Symfony 6.1.1 Screenshots

    The images below have been resized. Click on them to view the screenshots in full size.

    Symfony 6.1.1 Screenshot 1

What's new in this version:

- [HttpClient][WebProfilerBundle] Catch errors when encoding body for c…
- [HttpClient] Copy as curl fixes
- [FrameworkBundle] Disable Serializer data collect by default
- Fix getting class constraints on debug command
- [Mime] Allow url as a path in the DataPart::fromPath
- Fix choice filter error when loading mix of grouped and non-grouped choices
- [FrameworkBundle] Fix XML cache config
- [Messenger] use the outermost wrapping DBAL connection
- [Console] Escape in command name & description from getDefaultName()
- [Console] Fix deprecation when description is null
- [HttpKernel] Fix BackedEnumValueResolver already resolved enum value
- [Console] Escape in command name & description from PHP (getDefault* methods)
- [Serializer] Fix ignore attribute in Xml files
- [WebProfilerBundle] Fix dark theme selected line highlight color & reuse css vars
- [WebProfilerBundle] normalizer and encoder can be undefined in template
- [FrameworkBundle][HtmlSanitizer] Fix calling allowStaticElements when setting allow_all_static_elements: true
- [Serializer] Get attributeContext after converting name
- [Mime] Check that the path is a file in the DataPart::fromPath
- [Cache] do not pass null to strlen()
- [HttpFoundation] Revert "Send Content-Length when calling Response::send() and the content is a non-empty string"
- [Serializer] Added missing __call to TraceableEncoder
- [Serializer] Forget partially collected traces
- [PropertyInfo] Fix extracting int range type
- [Serializer] Added missing __call to TraceableNormalizer and TraceableSerializer
- [Contracts] remove static cache from ServiceSubscriberTrait
- [FrameworkBundle][TwigBundle] Fix registering html-sanitizer services
- [MonologBridge] ensure that the $response property is initialized before being read