A set of PHP Components and Web Application framework for PC



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    Symfony 7.2.2 LATEST

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    Daniel Leblanc

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Symfony is a set of PHP Components, a Web Application framework, a Philosophy, and a Community — all working together in harmony. The leading PHP framework to create websites and web applications. Built on top of the Symfony Components. A set of decoupled and reusable components on which the best PHP applications are built, such as Drupal, phpBB, and eZ Publish.

A passionate group of over 600,000 developers from more than 120 countries, all committed to helping PHP surpass the impossible. Embracing and promoting professionalism, best practices, standardization, and interoperability of applications.

Six good reasons to use Symfony

Quickly adopted by professionals active in this field following its launch in 2005, Symfony today is a stable environment that is both well-known and recognized internationally. The number of its references attests to this, as they have grown significantly since its launch. The app is also an active community; developers, integrators, users, and other contributors who participate in the ongoing enrichment of this tool.

It was originally created by the interactive agency SensioLabs. Designed by professionals for professionals, Symfony is first and foremost a pragmatic tool, the features of which address real-world requirements. Permanence is also something that relates to long-term support. Professional web app support is provided by SensioLabs, but there is also an entire ecosystem that has grown up around the app since its launch: the community (Slack, Stack Overflow, etc.) and the many other services companies that have invested in the framework.

Intranets, major general public sites, social networks, community sites, management and workflow applications, etc. Examples are not lacking: Hundreds of sites and applications of all sizes and of all types trust the components. This is specifically the case of Yahoo!, Dailymotion, Opensky.com, Exercise.com, and even applications such as phpBB and Drupal.

The program is everything that you would come to expect from a framework: speed, flexibility, reusable components, etc. Then there is the structure of what has been developed and the use of best practices. Not bad! But that is not all! Since SensioLabs has developed a habit of shaking up the established order and is always striving for excellence, (and its entire community) has developed a sense of curiosity that goes well beyond PHP. In addition, seeking out ongoing improvement in the productivity of developers, envisioned the “web debug toolbar,” taken from other frameworks, whether PHP or otherwise.

When using Symfony, you are assured of never “being alone with your screen.” Whether a question of community support (mailings lists, IRC, etc.) or company support (consulting, training, etc.), you will always find the answers to your questions. Starting from the principle that “an undocumented line is a line that does not exist,” you will also find many works dedicated to the app, which will help you throughout the development of your sites and applications.

The idea behind Symfony: Don’t lock yourself up within Symfony! Allow yourself to build applications that precisely meet your needs! The framework respects the existing “de facto standards” of PHP: PHPUnit, naming conventions for classes, etc. Furthermore, It also allows you to use certain pieces of its software building blocks (dependency injector, translations management, forms management, etc.) without necessarily using the framework in its entirety.

Note: Requires PHP.

Also Available: Download Symfony for Mac

  • Symfony 7.2.2 Screenshots

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    Symfony 7.2.2 Screenshot 1

What's new in this version:

- [PropertyInfo] Remove @internal from PropertyReadInfo and PropertyWriteInfo
- [Stopwatch] bug #54854 undefined key error when trying to fetch a mis…
- [SecurityBundle] Do not replace authenticators service by their traceable version
- [HttpFoundation] Avoid mime type guess with temp files in BinaryFileResponse
- [Finder] Fix using == as default operator in DateComparator
- [HtmlSanitizer] reject URLs containing whitespaces
- [Validator] the "max" option can be zero
- [TypeInfo] Fix PHPDoc resolving of union with mixed
- [Security/Csrf] Trust "Referer" at the same level as "Origin"
- [HttpClient] Fix a typo in NoPrivateNetworkHttpClient
- [Messenger] ensure exception on rollback does not hide previous exception
- [FrameworkBundle] require the writer to implement getFormats() in the translation:extract
- [FrameworkBundle] don't require fake notifier transports to be installed as non-dev dependencies
- [FrameworkBundle][Translation] fix translation lint compatibility with the PseudoLocalizationTranslator
- [Validator] set the violation path only if the errorPath option is set
- Fix resolve enum in string type resolver
- [PropertyInfo] Fix interface handling in PhpStanTypeHelper
- [BeanstalkMessenger] Round delay to an integer to avoid deprecation warning
- [PropertyInfo] Fix interface handling in PhpStanTypeHelper
- [HttpKernel] Denormalize request data using the csv format when using "#[MapQueryString]" or "#[MapRequestPayload]"
- [WebProfilerBundle] fix: white-space in highlighted code