Multitrack audio and MIDI recorder for your Windows PC


REAPER (64-bit)

  -  11.43 MB  -  Trial
  • Latest Version

    REAPER 7.34 (64-bit)

  • Operating System

    Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10

  • User Rating

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  • Author / Product

    Cockos Incorporated / External Link

  • Filename


  • MD5 Checksum


Sometimes latest versions of the software can cause issues when installed on older devices or devices running an older version of the operating system.

Software makers usually fix these issues but it can take them some time. What you can do in the meantime is to download and install an older version of REAPER (64-bit).

For those interested in downloading the most recent release of REAPER or reading our review, simply click here.

All old versions distributed on our website are completely virus-free and available for download at no cost.

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  • REAPER (64-bit) Screenshots

    The images below have been resized. Click on them to view the screenshots in full size.

    REAPER (64-bit) Screenshot 1

What's new in this version:

- API: allow plug-in accelerator hooks to get modifier key messages on macOS
- API: allow plug-in registered accelerators to override inline MIDI editor keyboard
- Actions list: support searching by key bindings
- Actions list: increase size of key assignment list
- Actions list: support global scope for key bindings in main action section (actions can be triggered regardless of which window has focus)
- Bounce: support wildcards for file name when recording live output
- Configuration: store item and track-specific docker preferences with the project, not globally
- Envelopes: fix occasionally incorrect behavior of "reduce number of envelope points" dialog
- Envelopes: allow dragging automation items to other envelopes displayed in media lanes, but only if the destination envelope is unambiguous
- Envelopes: copy/paste into most recently selected envelope, if no envelope is selected
- FX: fix browser memory leak when updating custom FX tags and folders
- FX: fix preferences display of certain quoted filters
- FX: fix reading of smart folder filters that begin/end with quotes
- FX: allow inserting FX via shortcut when tracks are visible in mixer but hidden in arrange view
- Freeze: fix warning message when freezing a track with pre-FX sends
- Glue: fix take FX automation
- macOS: allow 32-bit VST bridging on Mojave (enable 32-bit AU scanning by adding au_scan32=1 to reaper.ini)
- MIDI editor: improve keyboard preview note-off detection
- MIDI editor: improve responsiveness when many CC lanes are displayed
- MIDI editor: support moving edit cursor when clicking in CC lanes
- MIDI editor: support copy/paste of CC events from one lane to another
- MIDI: support linking program change messages on all channels sequentially to FX preset changes
- Media explorer: avoid creating time selection on tiny mouse moves
- Media items: apply fades identically to all items even if they previously had customized fade curves
- Notation editor: avoid occasional hit testing rounding error
- Notation editor: improve handling of trilled chords
- Notation editor: draw slurs attached to the top or bottom of a chord
- Notation editor: fix musicxml export of grand staff in certain situations
- Notation editor: fix musicxml slur export
- Notation editor: fix occasional note layout issue
- Notation editor: fix tuplet/chord interaction display
- Notation editor: improve musicxml export with multiple staves/voices
- Notation editor: improve musicxml tuplet export
- ReaScript: extend GetLastTouchedFX() to support take FX
- ReaScript: prevent possible crash when a script calls for REAPER to quit
- ReaScript: return 0 from GetFocusedFX() when last focused FX is not visible, update documentation for accuracy
- ReaScript: support basing functions that affect points in automation items on either one full loop iteration, or all visible points (see documentation)
- ReaScript: support custom field separator in GetUserInputs function
- ReaScript: support get/set selected state for automation item points
- ReaScript: support opening files with spaces in the filename in external editors
- ReaScript: support optional arguments in extension-supplied functions when called from Lua
- Recording: improve MIDI CC/pitch/aftertouch behavior in touch-replace and latch-replace modes, add option for CC timeout in prefs/media/MIDI
- Recording: add action to set recording pass counter to any number
- Render: add wildcard $timelineorder_track
- Render: add support for padding digits to wildcards like $filenumber[000], $timelineorder[000]
- Render: add option to render selected items through master track
- Render: improve labeling of dither/noise shaping controls
- Tempo map: support per-project tempo envelope display range
- Tempo map: add action to set project tempo envelope display range to current project min/max bpm
- Tempo map: update all project tabs when changing tempo envelope range
- Tempo map: don't begin "create measure from time selection" action if user cancels the dialog
- Tempo map: fix "create measure from time selection" action when there are tempo markers close to the start/end
- Tempo map: improve actions to set tempo from time selection when multiple bars are selected
- Track manager: avoid inconsistent track visibility state
- Track panels: prevent reordering tracks on tiny mouse moves
- Undo: improve vertical scroll issues with large envelope panels
- VST: limit VST3 built-in program dropdown display to 512 presets (for VEP)
- VST: improve default keyboard handling for ARA plug-ins
- VST: show non-automatable parameters in generic parameter UI for accessibility purposes
- Video: improve IDE syntax highlighting and help for various string functions