Makes your site more responsive, more accessible and faster!



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  • Latest Version

    Polypane 22.1.1 LATEST

  • Review by

    Juan Garcia

  • Operating System

    Windows 10 / Windows 11

  • User Rating

    Click to vote
  • Author / Product

    Polypane Team / External Link

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Polypane is an advanced web browser built from the ground up to provide web software developers and website designers a platform on which they can test their cloud-powered creations with an incredible variety of debug tools.

Instead of manually testing all combinations of website rendering for various mobile display sizes, this versatile browser enables users to create a large number of individual browsing viewports with sizes ranging from the smallest mobile screen to the largest 5K displays, and test in a real-time manner the rendering features, UI designs, accessibility features, and much more.

When loading a website in Polypane Browser, users can easily break down the rendering pages into dozens of individual viewpanes that represent various mobile displays. This can help them to quickly and reliably check resizing and UI rendering of their web designs, with automatic syncing of scrolling and clicking on all active viewpanes. Syncing is so powerful that even hovers are recreated on all active viewpanes. Even website themes (light and dark) can be checked out quickly in a fully synced side-by-side viewport rendering mode.

(Optional) install the Polypane browser extension

With the Polypane browser extension you can send any link or tab to Polypane. The extension is available for Chrome.

CSS debugging is made easy, enabling individual panes to be debugged with over 40 individual CSS states, covering categories such as Dev Tools, Simulators, Color Blindness, Visual Impairment, and Others. In addition to website designs, the app can provide pixel-perfect representations of social media sharing cards, with support for all major platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Discord, Slack, and others.

And since the app is built on the popular Chromium platform, seasoned designers are empowered to install any of their favorite DevTools browser extensions (such as React DevTools, Vue.js DevTools, Redux DevTools, Angular, and many others) and framework add-ons (React, Vue, Svelte, Boostrap, Bulma, Foundation, jQuerry, and more).

This is just the tip of the iceberg of features that the Polypane browser supports. It also provides access to live CSS editing, automated form testing, device presets and device emulation, accessibility audits, live reloading, touch emulation, and so much more.

Free trial - for 14 days
  • Full access to the app
  • No credit card needed
  • Use all features
  • Alone or with your team
  • Onboarding chat support
  • On Win, Mac, and Linux
Business - $39/mo
  • Entire team (10 users)
  • Use on 3 computers per user
  • All features
  • Frequent updates
  • Email & Live chat support
  • Priority feature requests
  • Manage user access
  • Centralized billing
Due to its professional toolset, Polypane (the browser for ambitious developers) is offered to users only as a premium application that is accessed via monthly subscription in Individual, Business, and Enterprise tiers. Thankfully, users can check out all the features of this app during a free 14-day trial period. The app is optimized for all modern versions of Windows OS and features clients for Linux and macOS platforms.

  • Multi-Platform Compatibility
  • Streamlines Responsive Design
  • Offers Live Testing
  • Improves Accessibility
  • Provides Time-Saving Features
  • Steep Learning Curve
  • Limited Project Management Capabilities

What's new in this version:

- Fix Show find in page UI again
- Fix Focus order works for SPAs again
- Fix Focus order correctly differentiates between programmatically focusable divs and keyboard focusable scrollers
- Fix Panes animate in and out again, fixes onboarding
- Fix Social media previews using GIF now show the first frame again
- Fix Some extensions no longer installed correctly due to Chrome store changes