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Notepad++ (32-bit)

Notepad++ 5.7

  -  3.89 MB  -  Open Source
  • Latest Version

    Notepad++ 8.7.8 (32-bit)

  • Operating System

    Windows XP / XP64 / Vista / Vista64 / Windows 7 / Windows 7 64

  • User Rating

    Click to vote
  • Author / Product

    Don Ho / External Link

  • Filename


  • MD5 Checksum


Sometimes latest versions of the software can cause issues when installed on older devices or devices running an older version of the operating system.

Software makers usually fix these issues but it can take them some time. What you can do in the meantime is to download and install an older version of Notepad++ 5.7.

For those interested in downloading the most recent release of Notepad++ (32-bit) or reading our review, simply click here.

All old versions distributed on our website are completely virus-free and available for download at no cost.

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If you have any questions or ideas that you want to share with us - head over to our Contact page and let us know. We value your feedback!

  • Notepad++ 5.7 Screenshots

    The images below have been resized. Click on them to view the screenshots in full size.

    Notepad++ 5.7 Screenshot 1
  • Notepad++ 5.7 Screenshot 2
  • Notepad++ 5.7 Screenshot 3
  • Notepad++ 5.7 Screenshot 4
  • Notepad++ 5.7 Screenshot 5

What's new in this version:

# New features and fixed bugs
- Upgrade Scintilla to version 2.12.
- Add "Inverse bookmark" feature.
- Fix premature deallocation bug for import UDL.
- Add import/export User Defined Language features.
- File detection : Switch to modified or deleted file while user is asked to reload or keep the file. 
- Fix closing several detected non-existing files bug. 
- Fix language switching to English not working bug.
- Reduce PostIt/FullScreen restore button size.
- Fix PostIt wrong restore button position after toggling off fullScreen mode.
- Fix crashes on new 11 character long UDL names bug.
- Fix "Save all" inconsistent icon state on toolbar.
- Add new keywords of HTML 5 and css.

# Included plugins (Unicode):
- TextFX v0.26
- Spell Checker v1.3.3
- MIME Tools v1.6
- NppExport v0.2.8
- Compare Plugin 1.5.6
- Plugin Manager
- NppFTP
- Select 'N' Launch 1.0

# Included plugins (ANSI):
- TextFX v0.25
- NppExec v0.3.2
- Spell Checker v1.3.3
- MIME Tools v1.6
- NppExport v0.2.8
- Light Explorer v1.6
- Compare Plugin 1.5.5
- Plugin Manager