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Gradle 8.0

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    Gradle 8.0 Screenshot 1

What's new in this version:

- New features, performance and usability improvements
- Kotlin DSL
- Gradle's Kotlin DSL provides an alternative syntax to the traditional Groovy DSL with an enhanced editing experience in supported IDEs, with superior content assistance, refactoring, documentation, and more.
- Improved script compilation performance
- Gradle 8.0 introduces an interpreter for the declarative plugins {} blocks in .gradle.kts scripts that make the overall build time around 20% faster. Calling the Kotlin compiler for declarative plugins {} blocks is avoided by default.

To utilize this performance, ensure you are using the supported formats in the declarative plugins {} blocks, for example:
- plugins {
- id("java-library") // <1>
- id("com.acme.example") version "1.0" apply false // <2>
- kotlin("jvm") version "1.7.21" // <3>
- Plugin specification by plugin identifier string
- Plugin specification with version and/or the plugin application flag
- Kotlin plugin specification helper
- Note that using version catalog aliases for plugins (e.g. plugins { alias(libs.plugins.acme) }) or plugin specification type-safe accessors (e.g. plugins { `acme-plugin` }) is not supported by the plugins {} block interpreter. This support will be added in a later version.
- In unsupported cases, Gradle falls back to the Kotlin compiler, providing the same performance as previous Gradle releases.
- For more information on plugin syntax, read the documentation on constrained syntax.
- Updated the Kotlin DSL to Kotlin API level 1.8
- Previously, the Kotlin DSL used Kotlin API level 1.4. Starting with Gradle 8.0, the Kotlin DSL uses Kotlin API level 1.8. This change brings all the improvements made to the Kotlin language and standard library since Kotlin 1.4.0.
- For information about breaking and non-breaking changes in this upgrade, visit the upgrading guide.
- Enhanced script compilation to use the Gradle JVM as Kotlin JVM target
- Previously, the compilation of .gradle.kts scripts always used Java 8 as the Kotlin JVM target. Starting with Gradle 8.0, it now uses the version of the JVM running the build.
- If your team is using e.g., Java 11 to run Gradle, this allows you to use Java 11 libraries and language features in your build scripts.
- Note that this doesn't apply to precompiled script plugins, see below.
- Precompiled script plugins now use the configured Java Toolchain
- Previously, the compilation of precompiled script plugins used the JVM target as configured on kotlinDslPluginOptions.jvmTarget.
- Starting with Gradle 8.0, it now uses the configured Java Toolchain, or Java 8 if none is configured.
- See the kotlin-dsl plugin manual for more information on how to configure the Java Toolchain for precompiled script plugins and the migration guide for more information on changed behaviour.
- Improvements for buildSrc builds
- This release includes several improvements for buildSrc builds to behave more like included builds. Included builds are an alternative way to organize your build logic to separate project configurations to better utilize incremental builds and task caching. Now they offer the same benefits.
- Run buildSrc tasks directly
- It is now possible to run the tasks of a buildSrc build from the command-line, using the same syntax used for tasks of included builds. For example, you can use gradle buildSrc:build to run the build task in the buildSrc build.
- For more details, see the user manual
- buildSrc can include other builds
- The buildSrc build can now include other builds by declaring them in buildSrc/settings.gradle.kts or buildSrc/settings.gradle. This allows you to better orgaize your build logic while still using buildSrc.
- You can use pluginsManagement { includeBuild(someDir) } or includeBuild(someDir) in this settings script to include other builds in buildSrc.
- For more details, see the user manual
- Tests for buildSrc are no longer automatically run
- When Gradle builds the output of buildSrc it only runs the tasks that produce that output. It no longer runs the build task. In particular, this means that the tests of buildSrc and its subprojects are not built and executed when they are not needed.
- You can run the tests for buildSrc in the same way as other projects, as described above.
- Init scripts are applied to buildSrc
- Init scripts specified on the command-line using --init-script are now applied to buildSrc, in addition to the main build and all included builds.
- For more details, see the user manual
- Configuration cache
- The configuration cache improves build time by caching the result of the configuration phase and reusing this for subsequent builds. This is an incubating feature that can significantly improve build performance.
- Improved configuration cache for parallelism on the first run
- Configuration cache now enables more fine-grained parallelism than using the parallel execution. Starting in Gradle 8.0, tasks run in parallel from the first build when using the configuration cache.
- Gradle has always run tasks in parallel when it reuses a configuration cache entry. All tasks run in parallel by default, even those within the same project, subject to dependency constraints. Now, it does this also when storing a cache entry.
- When the configuration cache is enabled and Gradle is able to find a compatible cache entry for the current build, it will load the tasks from the cache and run them in isolation. If Gradle cannot find a suitable cache entry, it will run the configuration phase to determine the necessary tasks, store them in a new cache entry, and then immediately run the build based on the saved state.

This new behavior has several benefits:
- Any issues that occur during deserialization will be easier to detect because they will be reported in the cache miss build.
- Tasks have the same state in both cache miss and cache hit builds, allowing for consistency between builds.
- Gradle can release memory used by the configuration state before task execution in the cache miss build, which reduces peak memory usage.
- This consistent behavior between cache miss and cache hit builds will help those who are transitioning to using the configuration cache, as more problems can be discovered on the first (cache miss) build.
- For more details, see the user manual.
- Improved compatibility with core plugins
- The gradle init command can be used with the configuration cache enabled.
- The ANTLR plugin and Groovy DSL precompiled scripts are now compatible with the configuration cache.
- The current status of the configuration cache support for all core Gradle plugins can be found in the configuration cache documentation.
- Java Toolchains improvements
- Updated toolchain download repositories
- Gradle 7.6 introduced toolchain repositories for increased flexibility. In Gradle 8.0, there is no longer a default toolchain provisioner. You have to declare at least one Java Toolchain repository explicitly. This can be done via toolchain repository plugins, like the Foojay Toolchains Plugin:
- plugins {
- id("org.gradle.toolchains.foojay-resolver-convention") version("0.4.0")
- For more details, see the user manual.
- General improvements
- Improved Gradle user home cache cleanup
- Previously, cleanup of the caches in Gradle user home used fixed retention periods (30 days or 7 days, depending on the cache). These retention periods can now be configured via the settings object in an init script in Gradle user home.
- beforeSettings { settings ->
- settings.caches {
- downloadedResources.removeUnusedEntriesAfterDays = 45
- Furthermore, it was previously only possible to partially disable cache cleanup via the org.gradle.cache.cleanup Gradle property in Gradle user home. Disabling cache cleanup now affects more caches under Gradle user home and can also be configured via the settings object in an init script in Gradle user home.
- For more details, see the user manual.
- Enhanced warning modes all and fail are now more verbose
- Before Gradle 8.0, warning modes that were supposed to print all warnings were printing only one for each specific warning message. This resulted in some missing warning messages. For example, if there were two warnings with the same message, but originating from different steps of the build process (i.e., different stack traces), only one was printed.
- Now one gets printed for each combination of message and stack trace. This result is more verbose, but also more complete.
- For more details, see the user manual.
- Improved dependency verification metadata
- Dependency verification metadata helps keep your project secure by ensuring the dependency being used matches the checksum of that dependency. This metadata is located in an XML configuration file and now accepts a reason attribute. This reason attribute allows for more details on why an artifact is trusted or why a selected checksum verification is required for an artifact directly in the verification-metadata.xml.

The following nodes with dependency verification metadata file verification-metadata.xml now support a reason attribute:
- the trust xml node under trusted-artifacts
- the md5, sha1, sha256 and sha512 nodes under component
- A reason is helpful to provide more details on why an artifact is trusted or why a selected checksum verification is required for an artifact directly in the verification-metadata.xml.
- For more details, see the user manual.

Improved dependency verification CLI:
- To minimize the number of times CI builds communicate with key servers, we use a local keyring file. This file should be frequently exported to remain accurate. There is no longer a need to write verification metadata when exporting trusted keys, simplifying the process.

You can now use the export-keys flag to export all already trusted keys:
- ./gradlew --export-keys
- There is no longer a need to write verification metadata when exporting trusted keys.

- For more details, see the user manual.
- Code quality plugin improvements
- CodeNarc plugin detects the Groovy runtime version
- CodeNarc performs static analysis for Groovy projects. It now publishes separate versions for use with Groovy 4. Gradle still currently ships with Groovy 3.
- To ensure future compatibility, the CodeNarc Plugin now automatically detects the appropriate version of CodeNarc for the current Groovy runtime.
- You can still explicitly specify a CodeNarc version with the toolVersion property on the CodeNarcExtension
- Enhanced PMD tasks to execute in parallel by default
- The PMD plugin performs quality checks on your project’s Java source files using a static code analyzer. It now uses the Gradle worker API and JVM toolchains. This tool now performs analysis via an external worker process, and therefore its tasks may now run in parallel within one project.
- In Java projects, this tool will use the same version of Java required by the project. In other types of projects, it will use the same version of Java that is used by the Gradle daemon.
- For more details, see the user manual

Promoted features:
- Promoted features are features that were incubating in previous versions of Gradle but are now supported and subject to backwards compatibility. See the User Manual section on the “Feature Lifecycle” for more information.
- The following are the features that have been promoted in this Gradle release

Promoted features in the Tooling API:
- The GradleConnector.disconnect() method is now considered stable
- Promoted features in the antlr plugin
- The AntlrSourceDirectorySet interface is now considered stable
- Promoted features in the ear plugin
- The Ear.getAppDirectory() method is now considered stable
- Promoted features in the eclipse plugin
- The EclipseClasspath.getContainsTestFixtures() method is now considered stable
- Promoted features in the groovy plugin

The following type and method are now considered stable:
- GroovySourceDirectorySet
- GroovyCompileOptions.getDisabledGlobalASTTransformations()
- Promoted features in the scala plugin
- The ScalaSourceDirectorySet interface is now considered stable
- Promoted features in the war plugin
- The War.getWebAppDirectory() method is now considered stable
- Promoted features in the Settings API
- The methods Settings.dependencyResolutionManagement(Action) and Settings.getDependencyResolutionManagement() are now considered stable
- All the methods in DependencyResolutionManagement are now stable, except the ones for central repository declaration

- 208 issues have been fixed in Gradle 8.0
- CVE-2022-36033: Bump version for "jsoup" plugin
- "Unable to make progress running work" together with --continue and failing tasks
- ZipFileTree Cache not respecting relocated build directory
- compileScala throws java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException since 8.0-milestone-5
- Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: class$ApplicationAndroidComponentsExtensionImplCompat_Decorated cannot be cast to class kotlin.Unit
- Don't store broken values to the configuration cache
- Do not discard build services that are build event listeners after storing the configuration cache entry
- CVE-2022-31159: Bump version for the "aws-java-sdk-s3" plugin
- Make a decision wrt staying on Kotlin 1.7 with language 1.5 or moving to Kotlin 1.8 with language 1.8 for 8.0
- Build services closed twice with configuration cache in 8.0
- Failure while populating the build operation queue: Value for unknown value has not been calculated yet.
- Incremental compilation of java modules is broken with Gradle 7.6
- Easier debugging of CompileTransaction path selection in incremental task execution
- Change deprecation of custom layout to be removed in 9.0 instead of 8.0
- Incremental compilation is not observed for Scala 3
- Show usage information (e.g. description) when @Option is specified incorrectly on command line
- Variant ambiguity introduced by compileElements in Gradle 8.0-milestone4
- IDE import fails with Project Isolation enabled: Expected unreportedProblemInCurrentCall to be called after enterDynamicCall
- HashMap$Node cannot be cast to class java.util.HashMap$TreeNode
- JacocoReportAggregationPlugin doesn't work with lockfiles
- Task dependencies access becomes an error in 8.0 with STABLE_CONFIGURATION_CACHE
- Upgrade embedded Kotlin to 1.7.21
- Assertion failed in FinalizerGroup with Kotlin 1.7.21
- Use absolute path to java agent jar when launching JaCoCo process
- Dead Javadoc links in Gradle user guide
- Remove deprecated PluginDependenciesSpecExtensions build-scan method
- Explain need for deprecated DependencyHandlerScope constraints method
- Java Toolchain auto-provisioning fails with permission errors
- Aggregration plugins not working with custom JVM Test Suites
- Gradle 8.0-milestone-3 regression: Transform selection algorithm has changed (longer chain is selected)
- Typo and ordering problem for org.gradle.welcome property in docs
- forkOptions.jvmArgs.addAll() silently ignored
- API: parameter is marked not-null while explicitly allowing null
- Kotlin/Groovy Switch in Documentation
- Add a sample demonstrating build service receiving task execution events
- Groovy and Java joint compilation failure on Java class private dependency change
- Inconsistent Javadoc in `ModuleVersionIdentifier`
- Remove various deprecated fields from Usage class
- Misleading toolchain logging when setting executable or java home on compileJava
- Task compileJava fails if fork options executable or java home points to older JDK
- Remove deprecated PluginCollection add/remove/addAll/removeAll/clear methods
- Remove deprecated ResolvedComponentResult#getVariant method
- Signing publications should be idempotent
- Gradle not honoring Maven exclusions defined in pom.xml
- Remove deprecated getAntBuilder from Checkstyle/Pmd/CodeNarc
- Update WarPlugin and ScalaBasePlugin configureConfigurations to produce error instead of warning on misuse
- Add dependency verification changes to release notes for Gradle 8
- Publish dependency-verification-1.2.xsd schema
- Restore removed IdeaModule.testSourceDirs and IdeaModule.testResourceDir
- NoClassDefFoundError: LauncherSessionListener with plugin 'org.jetbrains.intellij' and JUnit 5
- Preset Binary Compatibility Report Filter
- Make binary compatibility changes report self-correcting
- Add task to sort accepted-public-api-changes.json file
- Restore `TestReport`'s removed `reportOn` and `setDestinationDir` methods
- Report#getOutputLocation() should return a Property, not a Provider
- Error upon consuming confs added JacocoPlugin#addJacocoConfigurations
- Add nagging upon usage of deprecated destinationDir from AbstractCompile
- Upgrade embedded Kotlin to 1.7.22
- Restore warning for resolveToStateOrLater
- Build Cache documentation link to Gradle Enterprise is broken
- Centralize validation of executable configuration for tasks
- Prepare to make more usage of `DeprecatableConfiguration` into errors
- Remove DefaultConfiguration#resolveToStateOrLater
- Investigate how to apply DependencyAdder pattern to "modifiers"
- Remove deprecated KotlinDslOptions.experimentalWarning
- Remove @Deprecated AbstractExternalModuleDependency#setForce method
- Update DefaultRepositoryHandler#deprecateJCenter deprecation to Gradle 9.0
- Remove @Deprecated DependencyNotationParser#create method
- ProviderFactory: provide a way to get Gradle properties by a prefix
- `JavaToolchainFactory#newInstance` silently discards original exception
- Signing plugin: sign(publications) should be idempotent
- CCH22-28: Adjust the `snippets/tutorial/configureTaskUsingProjectProperty` sample for configuration cache
- CCH22-27: Adjust the `snippets/testing/test-suite-multi-configure-each-matching` sample for configuration cache
- CCH22-26: Adjust the `snippets/testing/test-suite-multi-configure-each` sample for configuration cache
- CCH22-25: Adjust the `snippets/testing/test-suite-multi-configure-each-extracted` sample for configuration cache
- CCH22-24: Adjust the `snippets/tasks/incrementalTask` sample for configuration cache
- CCH22-23: Adjust the `snippets/tasks/incrementalBuild-customTaskClass` sample for configuration cache
- CCH22-22: Adjust the `snippets/providers/propertyConvention` sample for configuration cache
- CCH22-21: Adjust the `snippets/kotlinDsl/multiProjectBuild` sample for configuration cache
- CCH22-20: Adjust the `snippets/java/fixtures` sample for configuration cache
- CCH22-19: Adjust the `snippets/java/customDirs` sample for configuration cache
- CCH22-18: Adjust the `snippets/java/crossCompilation` sample for configuration cache
- CCH22-17: Adjust the `snippets/files/fileCollections` sample for configuration cache
- CCH22-16: Adjust the `snippets/files/archivesChangedBaseName` sample for configuration cache
- CCH22-15: Adjust the `snippets/files/archiveNaming` sample for configuration cache
- CCH22-14: Adjust the `snippets/dependencyManagement/managingTransitiveDependencies-excludeForDependency` sample for configuration cache
- CCH22-13: Adjust the `snippets/dependencyManagement/managingTransitiveDependencies-excludeForConfiguration` sample for configuration cache
- CCH22-12: Adjust the `snippets/dependencyManagement/dependencyVerification-disablingVerification` sample for configuration cache
- CCH22-11: Adjust the `snippets/dependencyManagement/definingUsingConfigurations-custom` sample for configuration cache
- CCH22-10: Adjust the `snippets/dependencyManagement/customizingResolution-metadataRule` sample for configuration cache
- CCH22-9: Adjust the `snippets/dependencyManagement/customizingResolution-ivyMetadataRule` sample for configuration cache
- CCH22-8: Adjust the `snippets/dependencyManagement/customizingResolution-conditionalSubstitutionRule` sample for configuration cache
- CCH22-7: Adjust the `snippets/dependencyManagement/customizingResolution-classifierSubstitutionRule` sample for configuration cache
- CCH22-6: Adjust the `snippets/dependencyManagement/customizingResolution-capabilitySubstitutionRule` sample for configuration cache
- CCH22-5: Adjust the `snippets/buildlifecycle/projectEvaluateEvents` sample for configuration cache
- CCH22-4: Adjust the `snippets/buildCache/cacheable-bundle-task` sample for configuration cache
- CCH22-3: Adjust the `snippets/buildCache/cacheable-bundle` sample for configuration cache
- CCH22-2: Adjust the `snippets/artifacts/generatedFileDependencies` sample for configuration cache
- Turn invalid toolchain spec deprecation into error
- De-incubate or remove ExternalPluginValidationPlugin
- Remove deprecated AntlrSourceVirtualDirectory & AntlrSourceVirtualDirectoryImpl
- Remove deprecated NamedDomainObjectContainerExtension.invoke
- Remove deprecated members of the internal PrecompiledScriptPluginsSupport
- Update dependency-management deprecation warnings to errors in Gradle 8
- Update AbstractCodeQualityPlugin.createConfigurations to become an error in Gradle 8
- Update Test.useTestFramework to throw error upon improper usage
- AntlrPlugin.apply to become an error
- Remove @Deprecated DefaultWorkerExecutor methods
- Remove @Deprecated DefaultDependencyHandler.doAdd(Conf, Obj, Closure)
- Snippet "snippet-init-scripts-configuration-injection" and "snippet-init-scripts-plugins" are not compatible with the configuration cache
- Snippet "snippet-java-toolchain-filters" is not compatible with the configuration cache
- Snippet "snippet-groovy-compilation-avoidance" is not compatible with the configuration cache
- Off-by-one error on Windows path length checks
- Docs: "Building Java Applications Sample" explanation of build.gradle incomplete
- Remove @Deprecated VersionCatalog methods
- Remove @Deprecated methods from TestReport
- Remove @Deprecated JvmPluginsHelper.configureDocumentationVariantWithArtifact method
- Configuration cache report misses implicit usages of project methods, resulting to a crash when reusing the cache
- Remove @Deprecated methods from DependencySubstitutions
- Remove @Deprecated Groovydoc.IncludePrivate
- Remove @Deprecated DependencyInsightReportTask.setLegacyShowSinglePathToDependency
- Remove @Deprecated JacocoPluginExtension.ReportsDir
- Convert work validation warnings from 7.x into errors
- Remove @Deprecated methods from DefaultDomainObjectSet, DefaultSourceDirectorySetFactory and SourceDirectorySetFactory
- Sample "credentials-handling/publishing-credentials" is not compatible with the configuration cache
- Snippet "snippet-maven-publish-conditional-publishing" is not compatible with the configuration cache
- Update docs for adhoc-task property builder runtime API to describe equivalent for all annotations
- `-U` short-form for `--refresh-dependencies`
- Wrong documentation URL in error message
- Remove @Deprecated JacocoMerge for Gradle 8.0
- Add Upgrade Guide notes on Deprecations/Removals
- Default to latest version of CodeNarc tool
- Migrate `groovy.util.AntBuilder` → `groovy.ant.AntBuilder`
- Don't clear `distributionSha256Sum` when updating Gradle wrapper
- Remove Upload task
- Make tasks emit Java toolchain usage when uses the current JVM
- Re-enable disabled test GradleBuildSanityCheckConfigurationCacheSmokeTest
- Cpp and Swift plugin classes use `Optional.orElse` inefficiently
- SystemRoot environment variable needs to be defined for GradleRunner Tests on Windows
- typo in Working with files doc in the user guide
- Unix start script is overwriting the `APP_NAME` env var value
- Configuration cache should support non-serializable lambdas
- Do not track implementation of nested input
- Do not fix JVM target to 8 when compiling build.gradle.kts files
- Remove --add-opens for all Gradle worker processes
- Make `org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.precompiled.accessors.strict` default to true
- Add reason attribute for <component> elements in verification-metadata.xml
- `gradle init` is skipped after generating one project with the configuration cache enabled
- Scala Incremental Compilation for Multi-Module projects broken in 7.x
- Version catalogs run into unexpected namespace conflicts
- Ambiguous error when configuration cache entries discarded due to incompatible types
- A flag to turn `buildSrc` into a composite build
- Move @Internal for getExtensions from ExtensionAware to Task interface
- Support Kotlin language/api 1.7 in Kotlin DSL build scripts and plugins
- Make Task.getName() final
- Error extracting downloaded toolchain for `JvmImplementation.J9`
- Restore Test Option Fail Fast Behavior for Gradle 8
- Missing upgrade docs from 6.9 to 7.0
- DependencyHandler#add(String, Object, Closure) has incorrect nullability
- "The Gradle Daemon" documentation FAQ duplicates content
- Java Toolchains are Incompatible with `--add-exports` for System Modules
- ./gradlew --export-keys does not do anything without --write-verification-metadata
- eclipse-wtp EJB projects are not compatible with eclipse "jst.ejb" facet
- Remove support for using equals() to determine whether a task input property has changed
- Remove deprecated getters/setters that have a stable property as replacement since 7.0
- Kotlin 1.5 ".kts" build source, invoke-dynamic for SAM wrappers, and gradle tasks not up to date
- Repo libs-releases-local outdated, not containing artifacts after 6.1.1
- Enable deprecation logging for deprecated methods currently used by Kotlin plugin
- Enable deprecation logging for deprecated methods currently used by Android plugin
- Make it possible to see all instances of a deprecation finding and not only the first one.
- Remove pre 5.6 Worker APIs
- Turn 'Using mustRunAfter/shouldRunAfter/finalizedBy to reference tasks from another build' into an error
- Remove deprecated injecting the input artifact of a transform as a File
- Treat outputs with relative path sensitivity
- Remove `IncrementalTaskInputs`
- Class 'Foo' is compiled by a new Kotlin compiler backend and cannot be loaded by the old compiler
- Consolidate snapshotting missing elements in different file collections
- Nested finalizers should honor task order across projects
- Make `antlr` plugin support the configuration cache
- Make `init` plugin support the configuration cache
- Allow buildSrc to use and see other included builds
- ` { nullableValue }` in Kotlin DSL does not work
- Property 'xxx' with value '/tmp/bug.txt' cannot be serialized with RegularFileProperty
- Remove old artifact transform API
-Use worker API for built-in code quality tasks
-PMD custom rule set documentation unclear
-Warn if a class used in injection is not static
-Can't easily run junit tests in buildSrc
-Move stale output cleanup to execution engine
-Remove --no-rebuild
-Convert `buildSrc` to be an implicit, included build
-Command-line init scripts not executed against `:buildSrc` project
- Rectify Java toolchain related shortcomings
- Gradle 8 compiled plugins are not usable with Gradle <7
- Add SAM with receiver and compiler settings link to the Gradle Kotlin DSL page under the `kotlin-dsl` plugin
- Fix remaining TODOs in upgrade guide for 8.0
- 8.0 RC 1 regression: tartree does not work for .tar.gz files
- Gradle 8 upgrade docs missing for TestReport removals
- unzipped-distribution - Log4j Vulnerability on Enterprise File System Scans
- 8.0 RC 1 regression: CodeNarc plugin cannot resolve its dependencies
- Upgrade embedded Kotlin to 1.8.0
- Broken link title in "Migrating Builds From Apache Maven"
- Exception compiling Scala under Gradle 8
- NoSuchMethodError org.gradle.api.DefaultTask.getOnlyIf when trying to run plugin compiled with Gradle 7.6 with Gradle 7.5.1
- Build produces INFO log "Script 'build.gradle.kts' is not supposed to be used along with regular Kotlin sources, and will be ignored in the future versions by default."
- Cannot use nested `build-logic` as included build for build logic
- Build fails with configuration cache enabled: BuildServiceRegistration with name 'listener-service' not found