Latest Version
DesktopOK 11.63 (64-bit) LATEST
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Operating System
Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64 / Windows 11
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This tool is especially useful for users who frequently change screen resolutions, use multiple monitors, or experience icon rearrangements after system restarts.
Key Features
Save and Restore Icon Layouts
- Users can save multiple icon layouts for different scenarios.
- One-click restore feature to bring back a preferred icon arrangement.
- Can be set to automatically save icon layouts at specified time intervals.
- Options for saving at system shutdown, startup, or manual triggers.
- Recognizes different screen resolutions and monitor setups.
- Saves icon positions separately for different display configurations.
- Allows users to create and manage multiple layouts for different use cases.
- Rename, delete, or edit saved layouts easily.
- No installation required; can be run from a USB drive.
- Leaves no unnecessary registry entries.
- Runs quietly in the background with quick access via the system tray.
- Works with Windows 11, 10, 8, 7
- Supports both 32-bit and 64-bit systems.
- Auto-hide desktop icons to reduce clutter.
- Customizable hotkeys for quick access.
- Option to start minimized for a less intrusive experience.
- Export and import saved layouts.
Gamers who switch resolutions frequently.
Designers and developers working with multiple screen setups.
Users who prefer a specific desktop arrangement.
IT professionals managing multiple desktops.
How to Use
- Launch the program and customize settings as needed.
- Save your desktop icon layout with a single click.
- Restore saved layouts anytime when icons get rearranged.
- Set automatic icon layout backups at regular intervals.
- Access additional options from the system tray.
- Configure multi-monitor support if needed.
- Use hotkeys for quick access to saved layouts.
- Windows 11, 10, 8, 7 (32-bit & 64-bit)
- Minimum 1 GHz processor
- At least 512 MB RAM
- 10 MB free disk space
- Administrator rights for installation
- Saves and restores desktop icon positions
- Lightweight and portable software
- Automatic backups of icon layouts
- Supports multiple monitors
- Free to use without registration
- Basic user interface design
- Lacks advanced customization options
- No cloud backup support
- May not work perfectly on all resolutions
- Limited documentation and user guides
What's new in this version:
DesktopOK 11.63 (64-bit)
- Further optimization in the Desktop OK application for Windows 11 24H2
- Updating the language files in DesktopOK
DesktopOK 11.61 (64-bit)
- Fixes and adjustments for the latest Windows 10 update
- Updating the language files in the Desktop OK application
- Important tests and reviews under Windows 11 24H2
DesktopOK 11.57 (64-bit)
- Corrections in: the uninstallation function and automatic update function
- Updating the language files in the Desktop OK application for all Windows
DesktopOK 11.55 (64-bit)
- Corrections and improvements in DesktopOK Windows Tools
- General optimization in DesktopOK
DesktopOK 11.51 (64-bit)
- Improvement in the file saving options for the *.dok files (DesktopOK icon layout files)
- General minor corrections and update of the DesktopOK language files
DesktopOK 11.49 (64-bit)
- General adjustments to the latest Windows 11 update
- Updating the language files in the DesktopOK application
DesktopOK 11.47 (64-bit)
- Adjustments in the dark theme for the MS Windows 11 and 10 operating systems
- Update of the language files in DesktopOK for all MS Windows versions
DesktopOK 11.45 (64-bit)
- Small fine-tuning in the DOK tools and general optimization
- Improvements and updating of the DesktopOK language files
DesktopOK 11.44 (64-bit)
- Important fine-tuning and optimizations in DesktopOK
- Minor bugs in DesktopOK fixed
DesktopOK 11.41 (64-bit)
- Adjustments for upcoming Windows operating systems
- General fine-tuning and improvements
- Updating the language files
DesktopOK 11.35 (64-bit)
- Adjustments for upcoming changes in the Windows operating systems
- Testing the necessary changes in DesktopOK
DesktopOK 11.33 (64-bit)
- Small fixes in DesktopOK and some adjustments for Windows 10 and 11
- DesktopOK language files update
DesktopOK 11.32.1 (64-bit)
- Necessary adjustments in the DesktopOK Windows Tools
- Important updates to the language files
DesktopOK 11.31.1 (64-bit)
- New Code Sign Certificate for DesktopOK.exe
- Important tests and verification of DesktopOK under MS Windows Server 2025
- Necessary adjustments made for the new operating system
- Updates to the language files in the DesktopOK APP!
DesktopOK 11.29 (64-bit)
- General optimization in DesktopOK
- Corrections and improvements in DesktopOK Windows Tools
DesktopOK 11.27 (64-bit)
- General optimization in DesktopOK
- Further testing of DesktopOK on Windows 11 24H2
- Update of DesktopOK language files
DesktopOK 11.24 (64-bit)
- General fine-tuning and improvements
- Important update of the DesktopOK language files
- Small fine-tuning in the DesktopOK Windows Tools
DesktopOK 11.22 (64-bit)
- Small improvements and general optimizations in DesktopOK for all Microsoft Windows versions
- Updated DesktopOK language files to improve user experience in different languages
DesktopOK 11.21 (64-bit)
- Made small improvements to DesktopOK tools
- Updated language files in the desktop storage app (DesktopOK)
- Tests conducted for compatibility with upcoming build for MS Windows 11
DesktopOK 11.19 (64-bit)
- Small bug fixes on Windows 10 and 11
- General optimization in DesktopOK
- Language file updates
DesktopOK 11.18 (64-bit)
- Small finishing touches in the DesktopOK Windows Tools
- Important language file updates
DesktopOK 11.17 (64-bit)
- Optimization and various fixes for all MS Windows OS
- General fixes and small tweaks in Desktop-OK
DesktopOK 11.16 (64-bit)
- Corrections and improvements in the DesktopOK Windows Tools
- Language file updates
DesktopOK 11.15 (64-bit)
- DesktopOK language files update
- Small corrections in the desktop OK tools
DesktopOK 11.13 (64-bit)
- Important update of the language files in Desktop-Okay and small improvements as well as general optimization
DesktopOK 11.12 (64-bit)
- Improvements in uninstalling Desktop O.K.
- General tuning and improvements
- Important update to the DesktopOK language files
DesktopOK 11.09 (64-bit)
- Small fixes in DesktopOK and some adjustments for Windows 10 and 11
- DesktopOK language files update
DesktopOK 11.08 (64-bit)
- Update of the language files in DesktopOK
- Further improvements in various Windows tools
- Small improvements for Windows 11
DesktopOK 11.07 (64-bit)
- Improvements in save desktop layout on all MS Windows OS
- Small adjustments and update of the language files in DesktopOK
DesktopOK 11.06 (64-bit)
- Various improvements in DesktopOK
- General improvements in the DesktopOK Windows Tools
DesktopOK 11.01 (64-bit)
- New code sign certificate for DesktopOK.exe
- Important tests from DesktopOK for the next MS Windows 11 update
- Updates to the language files in DesktopOK
DesktopOK 10.88 (64-bit)
- Small tests and adjustments for the new MS Windows 11 update
- Updated language files in DesktopOK for all Windows operating systems
- Small adjustments in Desktop-OK, and new language: Romanian
DesktopOK 10.81 (64-bit)
- Small bug fixes and general optimization in DesktopOK for MS Windows
- Update of the language files in D.OK
DesktopOK 10.77 (64-bit)
- General improvements in the DesktopOK Windows Tools
- Small bug fixes under Windows 11
- General optimization in DesktopOK
DesktopOK 10.71 (64-bit)
- Important update of the language files
- General fine-tuning and improvements in Desktop-OK for all MS Windows OS
DesktopOK 10.66 (64-bit)
- Improvements in: auto save desktop icons feature
- General fixes in DesktopOK and update of the DesktopOK language files
DesktopOK 10.61 (64-bit)
- Correction at: Minimize all windows
- Update of the DesktopOK language files
- General fixes in DesktopOK
DesktopOK 10.55 (64-bit)
- Small tuning in the DOK Tools and general optimization
- Improvements and updating of the language files
DesktopOK 10.51 (64-bit)
- General corrections and small fine-tuning for Windows 11 22H2
- Updating the language files Desktop-OK
DesktopOK 10.44 (64-bit)
- Improvements in the DesktopOK Windows Tools
- Updating the language files and general adjustments
DesktopOK 10.34 (64-bit)
- In the PowerOptionsOK, change the color in the notification area to match the respective power plan on Windows
- General Adjustments Fine Adjustments Desktop Okay for Windows
DesktopOK 10.33 (64-bit)
- Verification and testing of DesktopOK on Windows 11 22H2
- General corrections and small fine adjustments in DesktopOK
DesktopOK 10.21 (64-bit)
- Improvements in: dark theme / darker mode in DesktopOK on MS Windows 11 and 10
- Improvements and updating of the language files
DesktopOK 10.16 (64-bit)
- Small corrections and adjustments for the next MS Windows 10 Build
- General optimization in DesktopOK for all MS Windows
- Update of DesktopOK language files
DesktopOK 10.01 (64-bit)
- Update of the language files and corrections for Windows 11 Home and the DesktopOK Windows Tools
- Small adjustments for the new build of Windows 11
DesktopOK 9.99 (64-bit)
- Important adjustments in Desktop-OK application for older MS Windows NT operating systems
- Small corrections Update of the language files
DesktopOK 9.97 (64-bit)
- Important customization in the DesktopOK Windows Tools
- Some improvements in DesktopOK and update of language files
DesktopOK 9.95 (64-bit)
- Save desktop layout improvements on multi-screens and virtual desktops
- Small fine tuning and update of the language files
DesktopOK 9.91 (64-bit)
- System-wide deactivation / activation of the dark theme via the Tools menu, System
- Update of the language files in DesktopOK improvements in the Windows Tools
DesktopOK 9.88 (64-bit)
- Small corrections in the DesktopOK Tools
- Update of the language files
- Testing on MS Windows 11 OS for next build
DesktopOK 9.85 (64-bit)
- Bug fix in pixel color query tool in DesktopOK tools to get the R,G,B color values from a desktop pixel
- Update of the language files in for MS Windows OS
DesktopOK 9.83 (64-bit)
- Corrections and improvements in the DesktopOK Windows Tools
- Updates to the language files
DesktopOK 9.81 (64-bit)
- Corrections in the dark theme under MS Windows 11 and 10 operating systems
- Updates to the language files in Desktop OK for all MS Windows OS
DesktopOK 9.77 (64-bit)
- General improvements in restoring desktop icon layouts
- Important update of the language files
DesktopOK 9.73 (64-bit)
- General improvements in the DesktopOK Windows Tools
- Update of the language files in Desktop-OK for all MS Windows OS
DesktopOK 9.71 (64-bit)
- Optimization and various fixes for all MS Windows OS
- Important update of the language files in DesktopOK
DesktopOK 9.66 (64-bit)
- General fine-tuning and improvements in Desktop-OK for all MS Windows OS
- Important update of the language files
DesktopOK 9.61 (64-bit)
- Small bug fixes on Windows 11
- General optimization in DesktopOK
- Update of the language files
DesktopOK 9.55 (64-bit)
- Update of the DesktopOK language files
- Small corrections in the Desktop-OK Tools
- Small tuning and general optimization in DesktopOK for all Windows OS
DesktopOK 9.51 (64-bit)
- Important update of the language files in DesktopOK
- Improvements and fine-tuning in Desktop-OK for MS Windows OS
- Small corrections in the dark theme support
DesktopOK 9.44 (64-bit)
- Optional: Support for dark theme / modes in Desktop OK for MS Windows 11 and 10
- Improvements in contrast design and higher DPI settings when working with poor eyesight
- General fine-tuning and improvements
- Update of the language files
- PS: Dark Theme can be deactivated via the desktop OK menu
DesktopOK 9.33 (64-bit)
- Bug fix: Windows 11 at 4K screen and changed DPI settings
- New languages: simplified Bosnian / Croatian / Serbian
- Update of the language files
DesktopOK 9.31 (64-bit)
- Again customizations and improvement in DesktopOK when customize the DPI values!
- Verification and testing of DesktopOK on Windows 11
DesktopOK 9.23 (64-bit)
- Small corrections in DesktopOK and some optimizations for Windows 10 and 11
- Update of the language files in DesktopOK
DesktopOK 9.21 (64-bit)
- Adjustments for the current Windows 10 and the new Windows 11
- Various corrections in the DesktopOK Windows Tools
- Update of the language files in DesktopOK
DesktopOK 9.19 (64-bit)
- New corrections and adjustments under MS Windows 11 OS
- Update of the language files in Desktop-OK
DesktopOK 9.15 (64-bit)
- Bug fixes under Windows 11
- Various corrections and adjustments, as well as further tests under Windows 11
- Update of the language files
DesktopOK 9.11 (64-bit)
- Verification of DesktopOK on MS Windows 11 OS
- Small adjustments for Windows 11
- Update of the language files in Desktop-OK for Windows ;-)
DesktopOK 9.01 (64-bit)
- Small corrections in DesktopOK x64
- Update of the DesktopOK language files
- General fine-tuning and improvements
DesktopOK 8.99 (64-bit)
- General optimization in DesktopOK
- bug fix: in DesktopOK x64 version at Windows 10 Home
- Update of the DesktopOK language files
DesktopOK 8.98 (64-bit)
- New: DesktopOK no longer appears in the loudspeaker mixer if it is not activated in DOK
- Improvements in the DesktopOK-Windows-Tools
- Update of the language files
DesktopOK 8.91 (64-bit)
- General improvements plus fine tuning in DesktopOK for all MS Windows OS
- New Code Sign Certificate for DesktopOK.exe
- Update of the language files
DesktopOK 8.88 (64-bit)
- General improvements in the DesktopOK-Windows-Tools
- Small corrections and update of the DesktopOK language files
DesktopOK 8.81 (64-bit)
- General optimization in DesktopOK for all MS Windows
- Small corrections and adjustments for the new MS Windows 10 update
- Update of DesktopOK language files
DesktopOK 8.77 (64-bit)
- Important update of the language files
- Small corrections and adjustments in Desktop-OK for MS Windows operating systems
- General fine-tuning and improvements
DesktopOK 8.71 (64-bit)
- Small optimization and general fine-tuning in DesktopOK for all MS Windows OS
- Update of the Desktop OK language files
DesktopOK 8.66 (64-bit)
- Important update of the DesktopOK language files
- Improvements in the DesktopOK Windows Tools
- New language in DOK: Portuguese-Portugal
DesktopOK 8.61 (64-bit)
- Small bug fixes when restoring the desktop icon layouts
- Update of the language files
- General optimization in DesktopOK
DesktopOK 8.55 (64-bit)
- Improvements: with new symbols that were created after saving of the symbol layout
- Time optimization when restoring the desktop icon positions under MS Windows
- Update of the language files and general optimization in DesktopOK
DesktopOK 8.44 (64-bit)
- Improvements in the DesktopOK Windows Tools
- Important update and general optimization in DesktopOK
DesktopOK 8.41 (64-bit)
- Improvements in: Installation and deinstallation of DesktopOK
- Bugfix: With Unicode paths
- Important update of the DesktopOK language files
- Small improvements in DOK and new languages: Spanish (Venezuela)
DesktopOK 8.38 (64-bit)
- Bug-Fix: When scaling the desktop e.g. below W10 DPI 150 %
- Small improvements in DesktopOK
- Update of the language files
DesktopOK 8.33 (64-bit)
- More options in Windows metric tool for settings of the Windows metric especially for Win 10.
- Small corrections in DesktopOK
- Update of the language files
DesktopOK 8.21 (64-bit)
- Update of the DesktopOK language files
- Small corrections in DesktopOK Tools
DesktopOK 8.11 (64-bit)
- New: Minimize all windows if the mouse pointer does not move for a certain time
- Update of the DesktopOK language files
- Small corrections in DesktopOK
DesktopOK 8.08 (64-bit)
- Changes and improvements in the Desktop-OK Tools
- Update of the DesktopOK language files
DesktopOK 8.03 (64-bit)
- Bug-Fix in Multilanguage Feature
- Update of the DesktopOK language files
- New languages: Thai, Vietnamese, Hindi, Hebrew, Persian and the Afrikaans
DesktopOK 8.01 (64-bit)
- Bug-Fix in Uninstall Feature
- Update of the DesktopOK language files
- New languages: Filipino, Malay and Indonesian
DesktopOK 7.99.1 (64-bit)
- DesktopOK x64 version bug fix
- Update of the DesktopOK language files
DesktopOK 7.99 (64-bit)
- General optimization in DesktopOK
- Update of the DesktopOK language files
DesktopOK 7.97 (64-bit)
- Improvements in the DesktopOK Windows Tools
- Important update of the DesktopOK language files
- General optimization in DesktopOK
DesktopOK 7.95 (64-bit)
- Some improvements in DesktopOK and update of language files
- Important customization in the DesktopOK Windows Tools
DesktopOK 7.93 (64-bit)
- Small tuning and general optimization in DesktopOK for all Windows OS
- Important update of the DesktopOK language files
DesktopOK 7.87 (64-bit)
- Improvements in: Windows desktop icon change size and view, save!
- Small corrections in DesktopOK and some optimizations
DesktopOK 7.81 (64-bit)
- Improvements in: x64 ergo 64-bit version of the desktop ok under Windows
- Update of the DesktopOK language files and small corrections in DesktopOK
DesktopOK 7.77 (64-bit)
- Small corrections in DesktopOK
- Important update of the DesktopOK language files
- Improvements in the DesktopOK Windows Tools
DesktopOK 7.71 (64-bit)
- Small fine-tuning and general optimization for all Windows 10 OS
- Important update of the language files
DesktopOK 7.62 (64-bit)
- Bug-Fix Windows 7 and 8.1: switch from administrative mode and back
- Important update of the language files
DesktopOK 7.61 (64-bit)
- Bug-Fix: in the optional auto update service via https (ssl)
- Important update of the language files
DesktopOK 7.55 (64-bit)
- Small adjustments for MS Windows Web Server 2019, 2016
- Small corrections in the tools menu and tray menu
- Important update of the desktop OK language files
DesktopOK 7.48 (64-bit)
- Bug-Fix: in Optional autoupdate service via https (ssl)
- Update of the DesktopOK language files
DesktopOK 7.47 (64-bit)
- Freely adjustable Auto Update Server on user request
- Update of the DesktopOK language files
DesktopOK 7.44 (64-bit)
- New: switch from administrative mode and back
- Update of the DesktopOK language files
- Small fine-tuning, and preparation for further functions in DesktopOK
DesktopOK 7.41 (64-bit)
- Improvements in: Installation and deinstallation of DesktopOK
- Correct change from administrator instillation to non admin mode
- Important update of the DesktopOK language files
DesktopOK 7.31 (64-bit)
- Small fine-tuning, important update of the language files
- Improvements in: Minimize the other programs in the taskbar
DesktopOK 7.27 (64-bit)
- New: Option that confirmed when deleting "Desktop Icons Layouts" on Windows!
- Bug: When recognizing the standard system language setting from 27 languages in DesktopOK
- Small adjustments and improvements
DesktopOK 7.21 (64-bit)
- Important update of the DesktopOK language files
- Improvements in the DesktopOK Windows Tools
- Small corrections
DesktopOK 7.17 (64-bit)
- Small fine-tuning, important update of the language files
- Improvement in: GetPixelColor Desktop Pixel Color determine RGB / RGBA
DesktopOK 7.11 (64-bit)
- New: the silent install as alternative to normal installation of Desktop OK for Windows all OS!
- Important update of the Desktop OK language files
- Small improvements
DesktopOK 7.07 (64-bit)
- Important update of the DesktopOK language files
- Small tweaks DesktopOK Windows Tools
- Test on MS Server 2019
DesktopOK 7.01 (64-bit)
- Update of the DesktopOK language files
- Extension in: Alt Drag window function, drag, move, resize on Windows 10, 8.1, ...
- Small finishing touches
DesktopOK 6.99 (64-bit)
- New: Save the icon layout with date and time format via the command line
- General fine-tuning in DesktopOK on Windows OS
DesktopOK 6.93 (64-bit)
- Bug-Fix: DesktopOK wrong program icon
- Improvements in the DesktopOK Windows Tools
DesktopOK 6.91 (64-bit)
- Small fixes and retests for Windows 10 Build 2004 / April 2020
- Update of the DesktopOK language files
DesktopOK 6.88 (64-bit)
- Small corrections and compilation due to positive false virus alert by AVAST, although no virus was present!
- Important update of the DesktopOK language files
DesktopOK 6.84 (64-bit)
- Optimization in DesktopOK and improvements for Windows 10
- Important update of the DesktopOK language files
- Improvements in the Explorer-Friend
DesktopOK 6.81 (64-bit)
- Improvements in: the screenshot function on Windows 10, 8.1
- Improvements in: Change Windows Desktop Icon size and view, save!
- Important update of the language files
DesktopOK 6.79 (64-bit)
- General optimization in DesktopOK
- Important update of DesktopOK language files
- Improvements in the DesktopOK Windows Tools
DesktopOK 6.77 (64-bit)
- General optimization in DesktopOK
- Important update of DesktopOK language files
- Improvements in the DesktopOK Windows Tools
DesktopOK 6.71 (64-bit)
- New: open the Program path via Alt Right-Click Title-Bar-Menu
- Important update of the language files
DesktopOK 6.69.1 (64-bit)
- Recompile because of G-Data Total Security totally blocked the program even though there was no virus
- Important update of the language files
DesktopOK 6.68 (64-bit)
- Small corrections and compile due to positive false virus alert on Windows 10, although no virus was present
DesktopOK 6.67 (64-bit)
- Tests and verification for Windows 10 November 2019 Update Build 18362
- Important update of the language files
- Small fixes in DesktopOK
DesktopOK 6.65 (64-bit)
- Important update of the language files and general optimization
- General fine tuning and optimization in desktop ok for W10, 8.1
DesktopOK 6.61 (64-bit)
- New: Make Always on Top, To-Tray, Transparency for all Windows on 10, 8.1, ...!
- Important update of language files and general optimization
DesktopOK 6.59 (64-bit)
- Improvement in: GetPixelColor Desktop Pixel Color detect RGB / RGBA
- Small tuning and general optimization in DesktopOK
DesktopOK 6.56 (64-bit)
- Easier: Grant access with folder protection on Windows 10
- Important update of language files and general optimization
DesktopOK 6.52 (64-bit)
- Important update of DesktopOK language files
- General fine tuning and optimization in the desktop ok
DesktopOK 6.51 (64-bit)
- New optional: parameter /report for load Desktop-Icon Layout from file
- General optimization in DesktopOK
DesktopOK 6.48.1 (64-bit)
- New optional: save DesktopOK window position
- General optimization and improvements for the next Windows 10 build
- Bug-Fix: in the Screenshot function with multiple monitors
DesktopOK 6.46 (64-bit)
- Force the portable mode and create DesktopOK.ini
- Important update of DesktopOK language files
- The network paths can be used //ServerY/Path/DesktopOK
DesktopOK 6.45 (64-bit)
- Improvements in the DesktopOK Windows Tools
- General optimization in DesktopOK
- Important update of DesktopOK language files
DesktopOK 6.44 (64-bit)
- Improvements in: x64 ergo 64 Bit version of desktop ok on Windows
- Improvements in: save and load the desktop icon's position from a file
- General optimization in DesktopOK
DesktopOK 6.42 (64-bit)
- Improvements in: minimize the other programs to tray
- Bug-Fix: for windows 10 home x32 edition
- General optimization in DesktopOK
- Update of the language files
DesktopOK 6.41 (64-bit)
- Improvements in the uninstall feature
- Update of the language files DesktopOK
DesktopOK 6.37 (64-bit)
- Small fine tuning Win 10 Build 1903 and general optimization
- Update of the language files DesktopOK
DesktopOK 6.36 (64-bit)
- Update of the language files DesktopOK
- Small corrections and general optimization DesktopOK Windows Tools
DesktopOK 6.35 (64-bit)
- DesktopOK is again with Code Signing certificate
- Update of the language files DesktopOK
- Small corrections for Windows 10 especially MS-Surface devices
DesktopOK 6.34 (64-bit)
- Bugfix: Title bar version number
DesktopOK 6.33 (64-bit)
- Bug-Fix: in Optional autoupdate service via https (ssl)
- Small tuning and general optimization in DOK.
- Language file update in DesktopOK
DesktopOK 6.31 (64-bit)
- Bug: Hiding in desktop icons with multiple monitors, now all taskbars are hidden
- Language file update in DesktopOK
DesktopOK 6.25 (64-bit)
- Bug :Code Signing certificate and update of the language files DesktopOK
- DesktopOK is currently without this certificate because it only causes problems
DesktopOK 6.21 (64-bit)
- Small tuning and general optimization
- Language Files Update in DesktopOK
DesktopOK 6.16 (64-bit)
- Small fine tuning and general optimization in DOK
- Update of DesktopOK language files plus customization in DesktopOK Windows Tools
DesktopOK 6.11 (64-bit)
- Important: Bug fix in the x64 version due to false compiler setting
- Small corrections and recompilation of DesktopOK, due to malfunctions
- Updating the language files
DesktopOK 6.06 (64-bit)
- Size optimization in DesktopOK
- And again, minor changes for MS Windows 10 OS
- Update of Language Files
DesktopOK 6.04 (64-bit)
- Some improvements in DesktopOK for use with Windows 10
- Customizations in the DesktopOK Windows Tools
DesktopOK 6.03 (64-bit)
- Some improvements in DesktopOK for use on Windows 10
- Language Files Update in DesktopOK
DesktopOK 6.01 (64-bit)
- New: Optional installation and uninstallation feature
- New: Optional autoupdate service via https (ssl)
- New: Optional, automatic notification when new version is available
- Small tuning and general optimization in DOK
- Updating the language files in DesktopOK
DesktopOK 5.82 (64-bit)
- Small fine tuning and general optimization in DOK
- Update of DesktopOK language files plus customization in DesktopOK Windows Tools
DesktopOK 5.81 (64-bit)
- And again, minor changes for MS Windows 10 OS
- Update of the DesktopOK language files small minor fixes
DesktopOK 5.79 (64-bit)
- Update of DesktopOK language files plus customization in DesktopOK Windows Tools
- Small fine tuning and general optimization
DesktopOK 5.77 (64-bit)
- Small fine tuning and updating of the language files in the desktop snow
- Adjustments for the x64 version and general optimization
DesktopOK 5.76 (64-bit)
- Bug Fix: There was error message 0xc000007b on first startup on some windows operating systems
DesktopOK 5.75 (64-bit)
- Small improvements and update of language files plus fine tuning in DesktopOK
DesktopOK 5.73 (64-bit)
- Update of DesktopOK language files plus customization in DesktopOK Windows Tools
DesktopOK 5.71.1 (64-bit)
- Bug fix: the camera-icon was displayed at the programm start, even if the screenshot option from the To-tray was not activated
DesktopOK 5.71 (64-bit)
- Improvements in the screenshot function
- New: Activate / Create screenshot from the To-tray
- Update of the language files and fine tuning for the Windows 10
DesktopOK 5.67 (64-bit)
- Successful test under the new build of MS Windows 10 the October Update 2018!
- Update of the language files and fine tunes for the new Windows 10 October update!
DesktopOK 5.65 (64-bit)
New program arguments:
- /spacing = Save or restore the desktop Icon Spacing
- /size = Save or restore the desktop icon size
- Update the DesktopOK language files
- Command line option to save or load the icons layout directly from a file?
DesktopOK 5.61 (64-bit)
- Again improvements and changes in the Desktop-OK Tools for Windows
- Update the DesktopOK language files
DesktopOK 5.56 (64-bit)
- Minor changes for MS Windows 10 OS
- Update of the DesktopOK language files plus
DesktopOK 5.55 (64-bit)
- Update of DesktopOK language files plus minor changes / corrections for MS Windows x64 OS
DesktopOK 5.51 (64-bit)
- Important adjustments and improvements in the tools of DesktopOK
- Important adjustments for Windows 10 / Server 2016
DesktopOK 5.46 (64-bit)
- Bug Fix: Windows 10 Redstone 4 / Server 2016 and small minor fixes
- Small changes and improvements in the Desktop-OK Tools
- Update of the DesktopOK language files
DesktopOK 5.44 (64-bit)
- Bug-Fix: in desktop-ok screnshot feature on Windows 10 / Server 2016
- Update of the DesktopOK language files
DesktopOK 5.42 (64-bit)
- Bug-Fix: For some desktop icon layouts, a Windows error message appeared on the screen when restoring the desktop icons
- Update of the DesktopOK language files
DesktopOK 5.41 (64-bit)
- Many small changes and improvements in the Desktop-OK Tools
- Small corrections for Windows-10 Redstone 4 (V. 1804)
- Update of the DesktopOK language files
DesktopOK 5.33 (64-bit)
- Bug fix: Windows 10 Build 1804 Redstone 4 and small minor fixes
- Minor improvements in the Desktop OK Tools
- Update of the desktop OK language files
DesktopOK 5.31 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version
DesktopOK 5.27 (64-bit)
- Small corrections When you restore the new icons, pointless message on screen on some systems
DesktopOK 5.26 (64-bit)
- Small improvements in the DesktopOK Tools update the language files small and cosmetic ergo beauty fixes and corrections
DesktopOK 5.25 (64-bit)
- Test on Windows 10 Update Build 1804 - 17134 (Redstone 4)
- Small corrections if restore the New Icons to free Locations
- Update of the language files
DesktopOK 5.21 (64-bit)
- New: Change the System Fonts, Title, Caption, Menus, Icons in Windows 10, 8.1
- Small improvements in the DesktopOK Tools update the language data and small corrections
DesktopOK 5.18 (64-bit)
- Code Signing certificate and update of the language files DesktopOK
- Small corrections and compile due to positive false virus alert on Windows 10, although no virus was present I hope in future less with certificate
DesktopOK 5.17 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version
DesktopOK 5.15 (64-bit)
- Possibility to start DesktopOK via the main menu in admin mode
- Well suited for various DesktopOK tools when working in admin mode
- Enhancement in Explorer-Friend
- Update of the language files
DesktopOK 5.12 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version
DesktopOK 5.11 (64-bit)
- bug fix in the main menu
- updating the language files and small adjustments
DesktopOK 5.08 (64-bit)
- Small fixes and recompiles of DesktopOK, for false virus warning Avast antivirus, although no virus was present plus Update of the language files in DesktopOK
DesktopOK 5.07 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version
DesktopOK 5.06 (64-bit)
- Important adjustments and improvements in the tools of DesktopOK
- Update of the speech data in DesktopOK plus small cosmetic ergo beauty fixes and corrections
DesktopOK 5.05 (64-bit)
- Small corrections and recompiling of DesktopOK, due to false virus warning by Windows Defender, although no virus was present
DesktopOK 5.03 (64-bit)
- Bug Fix in new tool: Explorer-Friend in DesktopOK and update of the language files
DesktopOK 5.01 (64-bit)
- Minor corrections / recompile of DesktopOK due to, false virus alert and virus Avast container
- Update the language files in DesktopOK plus small settings
DesktopOK 4.99 (64-bit)
- New tool: Explorer-Friend in DesktopOK
- New: Overwrite existing icon layout
- Bug-Fix: Auto-save desktop icon location
- Update of the language files in DesktopOK plus small changes
DesktopOK 4.94 (64-bit)
- Corrections in the Windows Metric Tool when changing the Desktop Icon Spacing ergo Distances especially Win 10
- Update of the language files in DesktopOK plus small settings
DesktopOK 4.93 (64-bit)
- Small corrections and rebuilding/recompiling DesktopOK because virus alert (Trojan: Win32/HackerPeter666) from Windows-Defender on Windows-10, although no virus was present
- Updating of the language files in DesktopOK
DesktopOK 4.92 (64-bit)
- Improvements in : auto save desktop icons feature
- Updating of the language files in DesktopOK
DesktopOK 4.91 (64-bit)
- Improvements in Save on Windows shutdown and Restore on Windows startup
- Updating of the language files in DesktopOK
DesktopOK 4.89 (64-bit)
- Further improvements and minor adjustments in DesktopOK for Windows 10
- Updating the language files in DesktopOK
DesktopOK 4.88 (64-bit)
- Updating of the language files in DesktopOK.
- Improvements and minor adjustments in DesktopOK for Windows 10 and Server 2016
- Customizations for Windows Seven
DesktopOK 4.85 (64-bit)
- Small fixes in AutoHideMouseCursor when used on notebooks, laptops and Tablet PCs on Windows 10, plus language files Update
DesktopOK 4.81 (64-bit)
- New: Pixel color query, can be started via the notification area (tray) of the taskbar
- New: Test the Touch screen or TV for the multitouch functionality on Windows
DesktopOK 4.77 (64-bit)
- Updating of the language files
- Improvements and minor adjustments
DesktopOK 4.76 (64-bit)
- Small adjustments in and new language: Slovak
DesktopOK 4.74 (64-bit)
- Improvements and minor adjustments in plus Updating of the language files in DesktopOK
DesktopOK 4.72 (64-bit)
- Update of the language files in DesktopOK plus small adjustments
- Improvements and minor adjustments in DesktopOK for Windows-10 (Creators Update)
DesktopOK 4.71 (64-bit)
- Bugfix in the time setting, for the hide mouse cursor function
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